Friday, February 1, 2008


Wow...January just got by me.....What a month it has been. I was truly looking forward to a normal January, but that was not the case. On January 17th n the wee hours of the morning I had to rush my lovely wife, Joy, to the emergency room. Well we made it to Baptist West at Turkey Creek where we learned Joy had a bleeding liver. VERY DANGEROUS and rare. It was truly a blessing that I got Joy to the hospital when we did as they informed us that had her covering of the liver had ruptured, she could have bled to death. Needless to same Philip & myself were alarmed. Joy on the other had handled all of this like the trooper she is. She has been and still is on strong pain killers as she lets her liver heal itself. God is so awesome! It just blows me away how the human body can heals itself! Well, after a week in the hospital under close observation by Dr. Roberts, he released her on January 23. Currently she is under strict Doctor's orders not to do anything physical, not to be around crowds, not to be around anyone with infections and not to drive for at least 30 days. Dr. Roberts pretty much assured Joy that she would have extreme pain for these 30 days as well. So.....please...please keep my precious Joy in your prayers!

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