Friday, May 15, 2009

With Greatest Honor!

Summa Cum Laude!!!!! With the greatest honor. Used to express the highest academic distinction. Well that is how you can describe it...but I prefer to describe it as my son! Philip graduated on May 8, 2009 from the University of TN with honors, ie: Summa Cum Laude! Joy and I could not be any prouder! Philip's degree is in Biochemisty and Molecular and Cellular Biology with a minor in Music!!! With all of this and believe me that is a lot, he still graduated in 4 years....ON TIME! I am impressed!

So, I guess you might be wondering what is next......well me too! Philip is currently employed at Children's Hospital in Knoxville and will continue with that while he studies for the MCATs. Talk about dedication! Once he completes that, then the plan is to start the application process to med schools. I have to say that whichever med school gets Philip, will benefit from having such a dedicated and driven individual in their program! I expect great things for him, as I know God has a plan for him....a REALLY BIG plan! And mine and Joy's prayer is for Philip to obedient to His call to serve!

So, around the Tipton household it has been extremely busy this past winter and spring. Joy is very busy with her decorating business and doing so very well. She is one very talented and gifted person. She has a gift.....a gift that allows her to visualize a completed project in place and then the ability to make all come together! Her clients love her and I do too!!! She IS the best! As for me, well....let someone smile and I will snap an image of them! Tonight, I photographed two 4 month old twins. These adorable twins, Tanner and Taylor, are the grandchildren of one of my classmates from High School. Photographing them was a pure delight! Kids are GREAT and when you can see the love in the Mother's eyes for her most certainly can see the love they give back! This is unconditional!

Time really does fly! "and then one day you find that ten years have got behind you" Seems like yesterday, Joy, Philip and I packed our belongings and moved to East TN! 13 years this June! We love where we live now and it has been a good move for us! I do enjoy coming home to Southeast Missouri (the Bootheel) and feel extremely blessed to be able to continue to photograph the lovely and wonderful people of Caruthersville AND the wonderful people of the the Bootheel area! This is a unique area to photograph in, one that is a challenge! In the past few years the challenge more than doubled after the tornado and then the ice storm from this past winter. The Bootheel just does not look the same. THE people never looked better! They are strong because the had to be and they are better off for it!