Saturday, December 22, 2007

You guessed it MORE Christmas images....

I hope you have has as much fun viewing these images as I did creating them!

Merry Christmas!

More images from Christmas......

WOW!!!! What a Christmas Season!

I wanted to take some time to first say: Merry Christmas!!! And then I wanted to say "Thank You!" to all of our clients that participated in our Christmas Promotion this year. Your generosity by donating unwrapped toys for Mission of Hope was awesome! I am so proud that together we were able to fill our barrel! Actually our barrell was overflowing and then the donations kept coming! What a heart for giving! I know the children that received the gifts were thrilled! Thanks again!
Now here are some more images from our Chrismas promotion.......

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas Portraits are in FULL Swing!

Here are just a couple of the great kids that were at Gallery Portraits today for their Christmas Portraits. Not only did I have fun, but I believe the kids did too! From cleaning the floor with the kids sliding around to feedings to wet diapers to smiling faces all around! What a day! AND the good news is that donations are being made to MISSION OF HOPE!!! Vistt their web site to find out more!!!

Call Gallery Portraits today to set up your child's Christmas Portrait today. 865/670-7600

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It is OFFICIAL....Session Fees will benefit Mission of Hope!

Christmas Portraits will start the week of NOVEMBER 19th

and go until we are finished!

This year I am very proud to announce that we are affiliated with the Mission of Hope!!! This means that your session fee for Christmas portraits is a new unwrapped toy! The suggested value is $10 or above. Ideas include Sports Balls, Fishing Rods, Fashion Dolls and Sets, Board Games, Hand-Held Games, and don't forget gifts for older Children! If you prefer you can make a financial donation for your session fee. You will simply make your check out to Mission of Hope!

We (you & Gallery Potraits) will be partnering with Mission of Hope in an effort to make Christmas a little better for over 16,000 children and families in rural Appalachia.....simply by making your donation when you have your Christmas Portraits taken by Gallery Portraits!

For more detailed information on Mission of Hope, visit their web site at:

Keep a close check on this blog for and image of the Christmas set we will be using this year!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007


It's that time of year again! Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away and it is now time to start thinking about getting your family together for Christmas Portraits.

Stay tuned....I will be posting an image of our Christmas set that we will be using this year. So now is the time to call!

Christmas portraits will start the week of November 19th!!!

Children are the BEST!!!!

Hey everyone!!!! Just wanted to share a couple images from a 3 month old session I did week before last. This kid has got it going on! Posing is a snap for this one....I really enjoyed this session and look forward to years of fun photographing him and his family!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Photographing in Hayti, Missouri

Good morning from Missouri!

This week I will be in Hayti photographing Cheerleaders on Tuesday, November 6th @ 4:00PM.

We are to meet in the gym lobby! I always look forward to working with Cheerleaders as they are always so creative in how they want their images to turn out!

Wednesday, November 7th (Joy's and my 26th anniversary...It has been a great 26 years and as most of you are well aware, I married UP!!!)

Starting early in the morning (November 7th) I will be set up to photograph the Senior males at Hayti High School. Portraits will be starting at 7:30AM AND then a lot of these young men will be heading north for their Football playoff game...GOOD Luck Indians!!!

Thursday, November 8th starting around 7:30AM again, I will be photographing the HHS girls for their senior portraits! These young ladies may be very tired after going to see the "Tribe" win in the playoffs! But none the less, I am sure they will all look GREAT!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wade In The Camera room ready for another 3 month old!

Wade photographs a lot of babies and there is no better way to get the images that you want than to sign up for Gallery Portrait's Baby Plan!

This is a simple and economic way to follow the milestones of your child's first year of life. From greeting cards for announcements to purses to gallery wraps to watercolors to our ever popular "kissables"! PLUS much, much more! Call to find out just how economical a year of photography can be!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Updated Missouri Trip Schedule

Here is an updated list of my schedule for October 4th thru October 12th, 2007.

Thursday, October 4th
10:30AM Modeling portfolio shoot
3:30PM CMS Majorettes and the CMS Flags @ Hoke Field (Images delivered)
4:ooPM CMS Cheerleaders @ Hopke Field (Images delivered)

Friday, October 5th
10:30AM CHS Homecoming Assembly (images are NOW online)
2:00PM CHS Homecoming Parade (images are NOW online)
6:00PM CHS Homecoming Crowning (images are NOW online)
7:00PM CHS vs Festus Homecoming Football Game (images are NOW online)

Saturday, October 6th
11:00 AM CHS Cheerleaders (on Hopke Field) (images are NOW online)
1:30PM HHS vs Mt. View (images are NOW online)
3:00PM Engagement Portrait session (images are NOW online)
6:00PM CHS Homecoming Dance @ Caruthersville Armory

Monday, October 8th
9:30AM Senior portrait session (images are NOW online)

Tuesday, October 9th
7:30AM CHS Seniors Tux & Drape Portraits for Yearbook
4:30PM CHS Majorettes, CHS Flags, & CHS Drum Majorette (in Front of High School)

Wednesday, October 10th
7:30AM CHS Seniors Tux & Drape Portraits for Yearbook
4:00PM CHS Volleyball Team (in Front of High School)

Thursday, October 11th
10:30AM Modeling portfolio shoot
2:00 PM CHS Girl's Tennis Team (tentative)

Friday, October 12th
6:00PM HHS Homecoming Crowning and Game

Keep a close watch here as I will update this Blog as new events are scheduled or changed!

Call me @ 865/670-7600 to schedule your team or for your personal senior portraits!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Good Luck Chuck

The new movie, Good Luck Chuck, had a screening in Knoxville yesterday evening at Regal Cinema's Pinnacle Theater in Knoxville, TN! This was a benefit screening that had tons of people showing up to get a glimpse of either Jessica Alba or Dane Cook (the movies star performers). Money raised from the event was approximately $260,000. The monies will be donated to East Tennessee's Chapter of Variety, a children's charity.

At the benefit, Jessica and Dane unveiled plaques that will be embedded in the sidewalk in front of the Pinnacle. Before the unveiling of the plaques, Jessica and Dane did a meet and greet with VIPs that made significant donations to Variety.

Gallery Portraits was working for a fellow photographer in Knoxville to help cover the event for Regal Cinemas.

CMS Majorettes, Cheerleaders & Flags

Talked today with the sponsor for the CMS Majorettes today and we scheduled portraits for not only the majorettes, but the CMS Cheerleaders and Flags as well!

The shoot will take place on Hopke Field and the Majorettes will start @ 3:30PM and the Cheerleaders and Flags will follow @ 4:00PM. Prices will be given to each student to fill and bring with them (and don't forget your payment!) on Thursday, October 4th!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

NOW Scheduling appointments in the Caruthersville, MO area!!!
I am currently taking appointments for portraits in Caruthersville, MO.

I will be in Caruthersville from October 4th thru October 10th. During this time I will be photographing the CHS homecoming festivities and the Dance on Saturday, October 6th. CHS yearbook/composite portraits will be made on Tuesday, October 9th and Wednesday, October 10th. Letters were mailed to all seniors on September 14th advising students of all the requirements to be included! If you do not receive your letter, send me and email and I will promptly email you a copy!

SENIORS: If you are interested in having your PERSONAL senior portraits taken during this week that I will be in town, call me at 865/670-760 or send me an email.

My email address is:

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Watercolor images with image mats!!!

Announcing our new watercolor images with IMAGE MATS!!!

A new and great way to display your favorite images......

Call 865/670-7600 for more details!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Hapy Labor Day 2007

Working today on an art image. I thought I would use an image of my son playing the soprano saxophone and come up with something......

I believe the piece has feeling and movement. I can see this haning in my studio!

Any comments......

Monday, August 27, 2007

Soldier from Missouri Bootheel Killed in Black Hawk Crash

Rickey Bell was a senior from the Caruthersville High School class of 2005. I recently learned of Ricky's death from my sister, Mary Stutzman, who resides in Caruthersville. I was told how the town is in shock of losing one of its own. I too am in shock.....Ricky will be missed.

I remember the day I photographed his senior portraits. Seems almost like it was yesterday. The day was not one of the more photogenic days, but it all worked out GREAT. Rickey, you see, was an optimist.......always had a smile on his face. AND his portraits I thought turned out GREAT.

Photographing now for 25 years, I have seen a lot of tragedy and loss. Seems that Caruthersville has had way more than its share of tragedy these past few years. Suicides, tornadoes, loss of jobs and now the loss of a fine young man.....a hero.

Thank you Rickey for serving your country with honor. Thank you Rickey for protecting my rights and our way of life. I know that Caruthesville is grieving now, but I can't help but think that Caruthersville is such a better place because of people like Rickey Bell. Flags fly at half staff as a Caruthersville comes together to mourn the loss of their hero Specialist Rickey Bell.

Army Spc. Rickey L. Bell, 21, of Caruthersville, Mo.; assigned to the 4th Squadron, 6th U.S. Air Cavalry Regiment, Fort Lewis, Wash.; died Aug. 22 in Multaka, Iraq, of injuries suffered when his helicopter crashed.

Specialist E-4 Rickey Bell was a gunner on the Black Hawk that the military says went down because of mechanical problems and not hostile fire.

The Pentagon says the Black Hawk helicopter was one of two taking part in a night-time operation. The crash is the worst single-day death toll in Iraq since January and the worst helicopter crash for Americans in the last two years.

To Janice, 'Big Rickey" & Nikki..........know that Joy, Philip & I will miss Rickey and that we are praying that you will come to terms with his sacrifice and know that God has accepted him into His Kingdom telling him, well done faithful servant!

Friday, August 17, 2007

You can't win them ALL.....?

Well, today was not the best for all of us Cardinal fans out there as the Cubbies took the first of a 4 game set 2-1. The Cards dropped back a half game to 3 games out of first as the Brew Crew and the Cubbies are deadlocked in first. This will be a great weekend of baseball and I am so proud the Cardinals have clawed there way back into the National League Central race.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Could the Brooms be coming out today??

The Cardinals are playing the Brew Crew today in Milwaukee and the Cards are paying for the sweep! Taking the Brewers today would move the Cardinals only 2-1/2 games out of first with the momentum in their favor! The series with the Cubbies starts tomorrow in Chicago and is equally important.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Image of Me photographing at a Smokies game . . .

Thought I would throw and image of me up there! Here I am photographing at the Tennessee Smokies baseball game. The Smokies are a AA franchise of the Chicago Cubs. This hurts as I am and always will be a St. Louis Cardinal fan!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

August in East TN

Good Morning from East TN.......what's on your mind today? Well, I have lots to do today....senior sessions and a consultation.

This is my first attempt at a blog so...I want to give it a go and see how it works out!

The air around here is orange as the vols are getting ready for the season to start and EVERYONE seems to ALWAYS be in a better mood (that means they spend more) when the Vols are playing! AND when they are winning.....well you just have to hang on! It is a great place to live and work!